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Motor Vehicle Injuries

Motor Vehicle Injuries

Statutory Accident Benefits

In Ontario, all drivers are required to have automobile insurance that includes coverage for accident benefits. This includes income replacement benefits, medical and rehabilitation expenses, and attendant care.


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The process of filing a motor vehicle accident claim can be difficult and complicated. The purpose of our work is to assist you in overcoming the challenges it presents.

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If you’ve been injured in a motor vehicle accident in Ontario, it’s important to understand your rights and the rights of other drivers involved. Knowing the law and your rights can help you protect yourself and make sure you’re compensated for any damages.

In Ontario, there are specific laws that govern motor vehicle accidents. The most important of these is the Ontario Insurance Act, which states that drivers in the Province are required to carry third-party liability insurance. This insurance covers any damages they may cause to other drivers and their property.

If you’re injured in an accident, it’s important to know that you have the right to receive compensation from the at-fault driver. This compensation covers medical expenses, lost wages, and in some cases, pain and suffering. The amount of compensation you receive will depend on the severity of your injuries and the laws governing motor vehicle accidents in Ontario.

It’s also important to note that the insurance company of the at-fault driver may try to minimize the amount of compensation they’re required to pay. This is why it’s important to seek the advice of an experienced personal injury lawyer. They can help you negotiate with the insurance company and ensure that you get the compensation you deserve.

If you’ve been injured in a motor vehicle accident in Ontario, it’s essential to understand your rights and the laws governing motor vehicle accidents in the Province. Knowing what to do can help you protect yourself and make sure you get the compensation you need to cover medical costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Motor Vehicle Injuries

The police have been notified of the accident and your insurance company has been informed. The process of filing an insurance claim can be confusing and unfamiliar to most people. You need to fill out many forms, obtain documents, and answer many questions. It can be a confusing and onerous process, especially if you've been injured or have other complications. With Cordaie Paralegal Services, your accident insurance claim will be handled with expertise.

Our personal injury paralegals will help you navigate the convoluted insurance application process following your accident. It can be frustrating and time-consuming to deal with an insurance company after an accident. Cordaie Paralegal Services will help you settle your accident insurance claim successfully so that you can recover financially and move on with your life.

Find out how we can help you with your accident benefits insurance claim. Our team will be happy to assist you with a free consultation if you call 844-4-WIN-4-ME or contact us online.

Put Us to Work for You

If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident, you may be wondering how Cordaie Paralegal Services can help you. The answer is that an experienced paralegal can provide you with invaluable legal advice and help you navigate the complexities of a motor vehicle injury lawsuit.

First, we can help you understand your legal rights and obligations when it comes to filing a personal injury claim. Our team can explain the law in Ontario pertaining to motor vehicle accidents and help you identify your legal options. We can also help you determine the best course of action to pursue in order to protect your rights and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

In addition, we can help you build a strong case for your injury claim. We can provide advice on how to gather evidence, such as photos of the accident scene, medical records, witness statements, and other relevant documents that can support your claim. We can also advise you on the best way to communicate with the other driver and their insurance company to ensure your claim is taken seriously.

Our paralegal can also serve as a negotiator between you and the other driver or their insurance company in order to reach a settlement agreement. They can advise you on what terms to accept and help you make an informed decision when it comes to any proposed settlement.

Finally, if a settlement cannot be reached, then we can help you take your case to court. We can research the applicable laws and precedents, prepare necessary documents, and represent you in court to help you obtain the maximum possible compensation for your injury.

In conclusion, Cordaie Paralegal Services can provide invaluable assistance when it comes to a motor vehicle injury lawsuit. We can help you understand your legal rights, build a strong case for your injury claim, negotiate a settlement agreement, and represent you in court. So if you have been injured in an accident, don't hesitate to Cordaie Paralegal Services and get the legal advice and assistance you need. Schedule a free consultation today at 844-4-WIN-4-ME.

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Statutory Accident Benefits (SABS)

Some information you should know about Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (SABS).

Following an Accident, Here's What You Should Do

  • As soon as possible after an accident, contact your insurance company or agent
  • Check your insurance policy carefully and make sure you understand what coverage you have
  • Make sure you are aware of the accident benefits you are entitled to
  • Make sure you get as many details about the accident as you can
  • Photograph the damage to the vehicles and any injuries
  • If there are any witnesses to the accident, make sure you get their names
  • If you have a conversation with an insurance company representative, keep a written record
  • Keep all receipts and bills related to your claim. In addition to repair bills for a damaged vehicle, replacement bills for damaged clothing or prescription lenses, and medical bills, prescriptions, and other expenses can be included here. You should save expenses even if you're not sure if they are related
  • Be aware of your rights. It is best to speak with a personal injury attorney who has experience handling accident insurance claims if you have any questions or concerns

Following an Accident, Here's What You Shouldn't Do

  • Insurance company representatives should not be given personal information. Keep your answers honest and factual. They do not need to know about your life story
  • Regardless of whether you believe you were at fault for the accident, DO NOT admit liability. Fault can be influenced by a variety of factors. Even if you weren't at fault, admitting fault may jeopardize your right to a full insurance settlement
  • Before reviewing your insurance policy, don't provide any information in writing to your insurer
  • Don't assume that your insurance company representative has the final word on the value of your claim. Consult a paralegal with experience handling claims related to car insurance if you have any questions or concerns
  • You should not sign a release or waiver. Before signing a release or waiver, or any other document, you should consult with your paralegal if you are uncertain of its terms
  • Don't accept a settlement payment unless you're certain you're being fairly compensated

Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule

Almost all Ontario motor vehicle insurance policies include the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule or SABS. Any person injured in an auto accident is eligible for certain accident benefits under no-fault insurance, regardless of blame. Insured motor vehicles covers drivers, passengers, motorcyclists and pedestrians who might be injured. An automobile liability policy must include statutory accident benefits, which allow people injured in automobile accidents to obtain financial compensation for their losses and expenses.

In addition to lost income, there are many other costs not covered by OHIP. Under SABS, many provisions are regularly amended. An experienced auto accident paralegal can guide accident victims through the provisions of the law and determine whether they are entitled to compensation by guiding them through the provisions of the law.

Types of Benefits

Attendant Care, Medical, & Rehabilitation Benefits

Proper treatment and rehabilitation after an accident should always come first. Medical and rehabilitation benefits can be provided to accident victims through SABS to cover their treatment and recovery journey, including surgery, medication, medical equipment (hearing aids, wheelchairs, prosthetics, and more), and physiotherapy and physiological therapy.

Attendant care benefits are also available, but only for non-catastrophic injuries, i.e., minor injuries are not covered. A person with a significant injury may be eligible for these benefits if they require long-term assistance.

As of now, the medical, rehabilitation, and attendant care benefits are combined as follows:

  • $1,000,000 maximum for catastrophic injuries
  • $65,000 maximum for non-catastrophic injuries
  • $3,500 maximum in medical and rehabilitation benefits are available for minor injuries.

Income Replacement, Caregiver & Non-Earner Benefits

Your ability to earn a living can be impaired by injuries sustained in an accident. Some income replacement benefits may be available to you if you worked before the accident. An injured worker must prove that the injury limits their ability to perform their previous employment duties to qualify for income replacement.

  • Benefits are provided to replace 70 percent of your gross income, capped at $400 per week.

If you are unable to perform any suitable employment based on your skills after two years, these benefits will be provided only if the injury prevented you from doing so. If you're ineligible for income replacement benefits, a student or a recent unemployed graduate and have been injured, you may qualify for non-earner benefits. You may be eligible to receive a weekly amount, starting four weeks after the accident, and for a maximum of two years following the accident.

  • A weekly benefit of $185 is available under this program.

If you are injured and no longer able to care for your dependents, you will likely be eligible for the caregiver benefit. By using these benefits, you will be able to hire a caregiver for your children or elderly parents. Usually, people who suffer catastrophic injuries receive caregiver benefits, but the benefits can also be obtained as an optional benefit at an additional cost.

  • Benefits for the first dependant are $250 per week plus $50 for every additional dependant.

Expenses Associated With Death & Funerals

Death benefits and funeral expenses if you or a loved one die in a car accident:

  • Your spouse will receive $25,000
  • Each dependent will receive $10,000
  • Funeral expenses up to $6,000

Options available for increasing death and funeral benefits at an additional cost:

  • Your spouse will receive $50,000
  • Each dependent receives $20,000
  • Funeral costs of up to $8,000

Expenses Other Than Those Listed Above

You may also be able to receive additional benefits from SABS, depending on your situation.

The following are some examples:

  • Visitor expenses
  • Costs of examinations
  • Educational expenses that were lost
  • Personal belongings, including medical devices, are damaged
  • Costs associated with housekeeping and home maintenance

Statutory Accident Benefits Application

After you have learned about the types of compensation you may receive through SABS, the next step is to apply for the benefits you may be entitled to through your insurance policy or the insured automobile. The first step is to notify the insurance company involved in the accident that you wish to request accident benefits within seven days of the accident.

The insurance company might provide you with documents to complete your application for accident benefits after you notify them. It is very important to complete all the necessary paperwork accurately and provide all the supporting medical documentation within the given time limits to obtain maximum compensation.


Here are the answers to some common questions. 

Motor Vehicle Injuries

  • What should I do if I'm involved in a vehicle accident?

    Steps to Take After an Accident

    The following list assumes no serious injuries have occurred. Getting medical attention immediately after an injury is the most important thing you can do.

    1. You should stop your vehicle and turn it off. You should never drive away after an accident. A person who leaves the scene of an accident is guilty of a crime.

    2. Make sure there are no injuries. In case of injury, you should stay still and wait for help. It is advisable to exit the vehicle if you can do so. It is only appropriate to help others if you are not injured.

    3. Follow the instructions provided by the emergency operator when you call 911. Police may advise you to report to your local collision reporting center if there is no injury and the damage is less than $1,000.

    4. Take no responsibility for what happened or admit fault for an accident.

    5. Make sure you take pictures. Use your camera or cell phone to take photos of the scene, including all vehicles involved.

    6. Make sure your vehicle is protected. You can move your vehicle to the side of the road if it is safe to do so. Your hazard lights should be turned on if your vehicle cannot be moved.

    7. Avoid arguing with other drivers or passengers.

    8. It is important to exchange driver information. Document the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and driver's license numbers of the other drivers, as well as the license plates of each other vehicle involved in the accident, the names and addresses of the registered owners, and their insurance information.

    9. The names of the passengers and witnesses. Obtain the contact information of any passengers or witnesses in any of the vehicles.

    10. Make sure you take detailed notes. Be sure to write down what happened and any important details that you want to remember. While the details are still fresh in your mind, it is recommended that you do this as soon as possible.

    11. Contact your insurance company to report the accident. An accident must be reported to your insurance company as soon as possible and at least seven (7) days after it occurs.

  • How much does the statutory accident benefits cost?

    In most cases, your automobile insurance company is responsible for paying statutory accident benefits. You may be entitled to SABS benefits if you are injured in an insured vehicle as an occupant or involved as a pedestrian.

  • What are my options for increasing my rehabilitation and medical benefits?

    Optional additional coverage can increase your rehabilitation and medical benefits payout as follows:

    • For catastrophic injuries, the amount has been increased to $2,000,000
    • Non-catastrophic injuries will be covered at $130,000
  • Can anyone apply for SABS benefits?

    SABS benefits are available if you are injured in a car accident, regardless of who is at fault. Insured individuals are responsible for paying for injuries suffered by pedestrians, drivers, passengers, and bicyclists in auto accidents.

  • In what way does the Accident Benefits Chart work?

    In the Accident Benefits Chart, the Financial Services Commission of Ontario summarizes the benefits and compensation limits offered by SABS.

  • What Are Minor Injuries?

    A minor injury includes a sprain, strain, whiplash injury, abrasion, contusion, and other minor trauma. There is less difficulty in treating and recovering from such injuries.

  • What Is Non-Catastrophic Impairment?

    In terms of non-catastrophic impairments, there is no such thing as a minor or catastrophic injury.

  • What Is a Catastrophic Injury?

    A catastrophic injury leaves an accident victim permanently disabled and unable to function normally for a long time. 

    Several conditions, including paralysis, brain damage, paraplegia, loss of vision, and tetraplegia, fall into this category.


Helping You Succeed

In light of the evidence and facts you provide, we can determine if a case exists and if it is worth pursuing. Court fees, travel, and time off may not be worth the effort, given the associated costs. Counterclaims may require you to pay, so you should consider them as well. It is possible that you will lose money. 

If we can be of assistance, a procedure is followed. In the first instance, we send a demand letter to the debtor requesting payment. Our explanation explains why we believe they owe you money. In this way, you are showing that you are serious and that you expect payment. It is our responsibility to explain to them what their rights are regarding this money, how much is owed, and by what date they must pay. 

We would also encourage the debtor to contact us directly if they are interested in arranging a payment arrangement directly with our firm. As a final note, we would like to emphasize that we would like to avoid escalating this situation.

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To develop the most effective, tailored strategy for you, our dedicated team will work diligently from beginning to end to obtain a deep understanding of your situation.

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We offer affordable legal counsel without breaking the bank and will help you find a payment plan that fits your budget. Our flexible arrangements, lower rates, and alternative fee structures make our services incredibly affordable!

Getting our help versus going it alone

In this case, we'll have to move on to the next stage if the problem remains unfixed. We will review your case based on the facts and evidence that you provide. In addition, we will determine whether the case is worth pursuing. No matter how much you win, you cannot get paid if the defendant cannot or does not want to pay. You may also be unable to receive reimbursement from the court for out-of-pocket expenses like legal fees or travel.

Several pieces of paperwork must be completed before they can be submitted to the court. These forms can cost you money if you make errors. It is possible for the opposing party to benefit from your application and for the court to reject it.

Unless you are familiar with this procedure, it may be tricky and complex. There might be a lot of stress and upheaval when dealing with the other side. Besides not paying you back, they can also harass you or refuse to appear in court, among other things. It will be necessary to go to trial if you can't reach an agreement.

We verify your evidence and facts, including:

  • What is the case you have (if you have one)?
  • Forms are properly prepared
  • Prepare your counterclaim
  • Assistance with enforcement
  • Assist with other options as well

want to know more?

Meet with a licensed paralegal for a free consultation today!

At Cordaie Paralegal Services, we have successfully assisted many clients in resolving criminal law issues. Among these matters are arrests and criminal charges, as well as criminal records, parole hearings, and even record suspensions. By offering support and guidance, we strive to help you get back to living your life to the fullest.

As a result, you will be able to regain control over your life.

Our knowledgeable team members will be able to explain your rights and assist you as you move forward. By working together, we will address your concerns and take prompt action to reduce your anxiety.

Contact us today at 844-4-WIN-4-ME to learn more about how we can help you. We offer a free consultation without any commitment.

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